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Health & Safety Policy

Policy Statement

Ultra M&E Ltd is committed to ensuring the health, safety and welfare of its employees and of others who may be affected by our activities under The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974., the Management of Health and Safety at work Regulations, and concomitant protective legislation, including the Environmental Protection Act 1990 and the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005, and The Fire Safety (England) Regulations 2022  both as an Employer and as a Company.  We will take all reasonably practicable steps to achieve this commitment, to comply with our statutory obligations and to promote a positive health and safety culture throughout our organisation. 


Health and Safety is an integral part of our activities and whilst Charlie Almond takes overall responsibility, all directors, managers and employees share the responsibility for implementing this policy. Ultra M&E Ltd has also appointed a member of staff to be responsible for Health and Safety maintenance at the company; to keep workplace procedures relating to health and safety under constant review,


Ultra M&E Ltd will provide and maintain a healthy and safe working environment with the objective of minimising the risk of injury or ill-health. Ultra M&E Ltd will pay particular attention to:

  • undertaking risk assessments in order to review the health and safety of our activities and premises and implementing safe systems of work as a result

  • maintaining the workplace in a safe condition, including safe access and providing adequate facilities and arrangements for welfare at work

  • the provision of suitable vehicles and equipment which are properly maintained with suitable safety devices installed, where applicable

  • minimising the use of hazardous and dangerous substances and where their use cannot be eliminated, implementing suitable controls

  • ensuring safety and health in connection with the use, handling, storage and transport of articles 

  • the provision of such information, instructions, training and supervision as is necessary to ensure the health and safety at work of our employees and other persons

  • maintaining arrangements for emergency response including fire and medical emergencies

  • investigating all incidences of injury and work-related ill-health

  • consulting with staff on health and safety matters 

  • ensuring that the company has access to health and safety advice 


In recognition of its duties under the Reporting of Injuries Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations, Ultra M&E Ltd has established a system for reporting accidents, disease and dangerous occurrences to the Health and Safety Executive. Including injury to any trainee, and this is in addition to its statutory duty to keep an accident book available for inspection by an inspector of the Health and Safety Executive.

Ultra M&E Ltd recognises its duty to protect the health and safety of all visitors to the Company, including contractors and temporary workers, as well as any members of the public who might be affected by the Company’s work operations.

We will take steps to check the competence of any contractor before their services are engaged and will ensure that all third parties are provided with appropriate information on entering our premises and in relation to our work activities. 

Ultra M&E Ltd regards the extent of its duties as compatible with sections 2 and 5 of the Health and Safety at Work Act and Occupiers’ Liability acts; In particular, where visitors are under a statutory duty to wear personal protective clothing, or otherwise to take reasonable precautions for their own health and safety, failure to do so will be regarded as a breach of Ultra M&E Ltd policy. Entitling the Company to take such measures as it considers appropriate including asking the visitors to leave the premises.


This policy will be drawn to the attention of all new employees as part of their induction. It is the duty of each employee to take reasonable care of their own and other people’s health, safety and welfare, to familiarise themselves with and implement company procedures and to report any shortcomings in the arrangements. All employees of Ultra M&E Ltd agree, as a term of their contract of employment, to comply with their individual duties under section 7 of the Health and Safety at Work Act. And Regulation 12 of the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations and any other applicable legislation and generally co-operate with their Employer so as to enable the Employer to carry out their health and safety duties towards them

It is the responsibility of Charlie Almond to monitor the effective implementation of this policy and ensure that adequate resources are provided.  And the Company regards itself as bound by any acts and/or omissions of the Director or senior manager, giving rise to liability, provided only that such acts and/omission arise out of and in the course of Company business. Prosecution of any director or senior manager shall not prevent a prosecution against the Company.

This Health and Safety Policy Statement and the Organisation and Arrangements documents which support it, will be reviewed at least annually and more frequently where there have been changes in the organisation or the activities undertaken. 



This section of our Policy sets out the division of health and safety responsibilities.

Charlie Almond is responsible for leadership on health and safety matters and in particular for:

  • Providing sufficient resources to implement the health and safety policy.

  • Reviewing the health and safety policy at least annually, with the assistance of Invicta Safety

  • Reviewing health and safety performance from reports arising from inspections, audits, accident investigations, ill-health etc.

  • Agreeing a health and safety action plan and monitoring its implementation.

  • When introducing changes to the business, e.g. new processes, machinery, premises or structure, taking into account the health and safety implications, providing suitable resources, and monitoring to ensure risk is adequately controlled.

  • Ensuring that employees are consulted on health and safety matters and that safety needs are taken into account in the selection and appointment of staff.

  • Ensuring that the company has access to competent health and safety advice on health, safety and fire safety matters.

  • Keeping themselves up-to-date on health and safety requirements and developments, by arranging for regular briefings as necessary.


Senior Managers

  • Investigating, or ensuring that others investigate, accidents and work-related ill-health and ensuring that statutory reports are made for serious incidents in accordance with the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations.

  • Continuously reviewing health and safety practices.

  • Ensuring that appropriate training is provided.

  • Making sure that safety information and data sheets are being received as part of the purchasing process, and that the contents are taken into account within risk assessments.

  • Ensuring that Employers’ Liability insurance is maintained and that the details are publicised to employees.

  • Purchasing other insurance as required, including insurance for company vehicles.

  • Ensuring that statutory requirements are met in relation to working hours, employment of children, young persons, pregnant employees, and new mothers at work.

  • Ensuring that managers and supervisors reporting to them understand their health and safety responsibilities.

  • Monitoring the health and safety performance of direct reports.

  • Ensuring that risk assessments cover all employee activities, that any actions arising from         them are implemented and that the findings are shared with employees.

  • Providing appropriate training for employees, including induction training and training in job skills, general health and safety matters and other specific safety issues, as required.

  • Ensuring that work equipment is suitable for purpose.

  • Providing suitable personal protective equipment and ensuring it’s properly maintained.

  • Reporting to the Managing Director any health and safety concerns which they are not able to resolve.


Managers and Supervisors 
Managers and supervisors are responsible for implementing health and safety standards as part of the day-to-day activities of the business including:    

  • Instructing staff in health and safety requirements and supervising to ensure that rules are followed.

  • Contributing to risk assessments as required by Senior Managers/Directors.

  • Keeping themselves up-to-date with health and safety requirements and asking for assistance from Senior Managers or the company Health and Safety Advisor as appropriate

  • Carrying out periodic inspections of the workplace, work vehicles and work activities and ensuring that high standards of health and safety are achieved.

  • Ensuring that employees are suitably competent and have any necessary licences and qualifications for carrying out the work instructed.

  • Making staff aware of arrangements for the provision of eyesight tests for those using computers.

  • Taking disciplinary action against staff who fail to follow company rules, as appropriate.

  • Reporting to an appropriate senior manager or director any health and safety concerns which they are not able to resolve.


Health and Safety Consultant
The Health and Safety Consultant is responsible for:

  • Providing the Directors with competent safety advice.

  • Investigate accidents and dangerous occurrences, determine root causes, instigate remedial measures and ensure any relevant statutory reports (RIDDOR) are sent promptly.

  • Ensure that the company safety policies and procedures are regularly reviewed and keep the senior management aware of any changes in legislation that may affect the company.

  • Assist in the production of risk assessments and recommend control measures.

Premises Management
Charlie Almond is responsible for ensuring general maintenance of the premises and in particular for:    

  • Arranging for a periodic test and inspection of the electrical installation and portable appliances.

  • Implementing the findings of the fire safety risk assessment including the provision, maintenance and testing of fire extinguishers, the fire alarm system and emergency lighting, the provision of signage, drills etc. and the appointment and training of fire marshals.

  • Monitoring that high standards of housekeeping are maintained, with emergency escape routes kept clear and all parts of the workplace maintained in a clean condition. 

  • Ensuring that appropriate first aid arrangements are implemented including a sufficient number of first aiders and carrying out regular checks of the contents of first aid kits.

  • Ensuring compliance with the Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015; construction and maintenance contractors should demonstrate that they are competent to work safely and that they receive, and are requested to provide, adequate information to enable safe working.

  • Maintaining a log of all premises checks, testing, maintenance and repairs.


All employees
All employees must take care of themselves and others affected by their work and in particular are expected to:    

  • Behave in a professional manner, follow health and safety rules and not act in a way which would deliberately endanger others.

  • Familiarise themselves with the health and safety policy, risk assessments and any other instructions relating to their work and comply with the requirements set out.    

  • Report unsafe working practices, shortcomings in safety procedures, accidents and near-misses to their manager.

  • Stop work and liaise with their manager in the event that a procedure appears unsafe.

  • Know the emergency procedures for the location at which they are working.    

  • Use vehicles, equipment, materials or substances in accordance with information, instruction and training provided.    

  • Make proper use of safety devices and guards and only carry out such maintenance, repair or adjustment to work equipment as they are authorised to do so.

  • Ensure that equipment and materials are stored safely when not in use.

  • Keep their work area clean and tidy, avoid the creation of tripping hazards and clean up any spillages immediately.

  • Wear personal protective equipment as instructed, store it so as to avoid damage, keep it cleaned and maintained and report loss or damage.

  • Dispose of waste materials in the manner instructed so that they do not create a hazard to other workers.

  • Not work under the influence of alcohol or drugs.    

No employee of the Company may carry out or authorise practices which place staff or others in danger or which are in direct breach of legal requirements.



This section of our policy sets out the arrangements we have put in place for implementing our health and safety policy.

General health and safety arrangements
Written standards
We have documented our health and safety standards in the form of an overall Health and Safety Policy. The Policy has three parts including a statement of commitment, organisational responsibilities and this arrangements document. Charlie Almond has signed our Statement of Health and Safety Policy and ensures that the company reviews and updates all parts of the policy on an annual basis. 

The overall Health and Safety Policy is supplemented by specific policies and procedures where applicable. Our health and safety documentation includes risk assessments, monitoring checklists, instructions and written procedures as necessary. 

Our documentation is based on legal requirements, guidance from enforcing authorities and established industry standards.  


Our Health and Safety Policy - Organisation statement sets out everyone’s responsibility from directors through to individual employees.  

We have  appointed Invicta Safety as our external health and safety consultants


Risk assessment

  • The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations require suitable and sufficient risk assessments of their activities to be conducted by organisations. Risk assessment is an important part of Ultra M&E Ltd management of risk policy. Risk assessments have been carried out by senior management in conjunction with the Health and Safety Consultant. HSE guidelines will be followed when producing risk assessments.

  • Assessments shall be reviewed as circumstances change (e.g. change of equipment, method of work, staff etc.) and any amendments to them shall be communicated to any staff affected.



Emergency procedures

  • The directors will plan, where appropriate, to deal with likely emergencies on site.  

They will:

  • Carry out a survey of the site assess likely risks and devise plans. 

  • Obtain any equipment deemed necessary to deal with foreseeable emergencies (fire extinguishers, first aid kits etc.).

  • Ensure that sufficient emergency exits exist and that escape routes are clearly known; ensure employees know the location of the assembly area in the event of an evacuation.

  • In the event of a fire or evacuation the fire warden and will liaise with the emergency services and ensure that the building has been evacuated. 

Incident reporting and investigation

  • It is our policy that all injury accidents, however minor, are recorded [within the accident book/ on an accident form]. All accidents, near misses and incidents of work-related ill-health are investigated in order to identify root causes and prevent a recurrence. 

  • Charlie Almond is responsible for reporting incidents which fall within the reporting requirements of the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations (RIDDOR). Reports have to be initially reported online via the HSE website.

  • Any employee who is taken ill, is injured or has any knowledge of a Dangerous Occurrence on or attributable to any of the Company’s sites must report the fact immediately to their Line Manager/supervisor and they must report immediately to Charlie Almond who with the assistance of the Health and Safety Consultant if necessary, will assess whether the incident is reportable under RIDDOR and if necessary report it immediately to the Incident Contact Centre. All other incidents are to be recorded in the Company Accident Book available at the office, when a record has been produced it is to be removed from the accident book and kept in secure storage for data protection purposes.

  • We have a detailed policy the subject of accident/incident reporting which outlines our reporting and investigation arrangements.



  • All employees are trained in safe working practices and procedures, their responsibilities under this policy and any specific skills required. In particular, employees are given training when they start work with the company.

  • Directors will assess the training needs of the employees. Training will be given commensurate with the risk involved in the use of particular systems, procedures or equipment. Training given will be conducted in-house or, dependant on the risk or complexity, outside trainers will be utilised. Records of any training will be maintained by Charlie Almond

Employment of Staff

  • When engaging a person for employment or having an existing employee working under their supervision, the employing manager will ensure that:

a)    Persons do not suffer any illness, disorder or medical condition that may constitute a hazard to them or others.
b)    They are competent and able to carry out the work for which they are employed, in a safe manner; or they are placed under supervision; or they receive sufficient training to enable their work to be carried out. Competency will be checked by references and verifying any claims of training or experience.
c)    Every employee is issued with, and understands the Company Health and Safety Policy and Health and Safety Manual.
d)    They are made aware of the first aid, emergency and welfare arrangements at their place of work. 

  • It is a condition of employment that:

a)    All employees inform their Manager, immediately of any illness, disorder, disability or medication that may constitute a hazard to them or others during their duties.
b)       All employees co-operate in the implementation of the Health and Safety Policy.


We recognise that the involvement of staff in their own health and safety arrangements is essential to the success of this policy. 

  • The Director in conjunction with the Health and Safety Consultant will gather, evaluate, and circulate any relevant information on safe working practices which he believes may benefit the safe operation of the company following consultation with employees.

  • the company operates a direct consultation policy with two-way communication between company and employee, this is carried out through the Director, Line Managers, or Health and Safety Consultant, employees have access to health and safety information which is kept on the company’s computer systems, any health and safety matters arising from discussions with employees are raised at the regular management meetings and form part of the agenda.


Selection of Contractors​

Managers will gauge the competency of any sub-contractors by:     

  • Asking for copies of relevant documents such as safety policies, method statements, risk assessments and current insurance certificates etc., this information will be stored on the company’s computer system for reference and the contractor will be entered onto the approved suppliers list upon completion of the approved contractor health and safety questionnaire.

  • All managers must ensure that these criteria are set against any proposed contractors prior to appointment. 

All contractors will be given a copy of this Health and Safety Policy


Occupational health
All employees are encouraged to report any health concerns which they feel are associated with or made worse by work. Such reports will be treated confidentially and occupational health assistance will be sought as needed. We also take proactive measures to ensure the health of our staff, as detailed within our separate Occupational Health Policy.


First aid
We have carried out an assessment of first aid needs, and as a result have provided first aid equipment and ensured that there are nominated persons to deliver it. Information has been provided to all employees to ensure awareness of our first aid arrangements. 


Personal protective equipment (PPE)
We provide PPE without charge to our employees as required. The type of equipment is selected with regard to the risks of each work activity, the level of protection required and the needs of individuals. We have a separate detailed PPE Policy.


Arrangements for dealing with specific hazards

Working environment
It is our intention at Ultra M&E Ltd to always maintain high standards of housekeeping at our premises for both the safety and health of our staff and any visitors. Responsibilities are clearly allocated, and appropriate tasks are assigned. 
Flooring is in good condition and kept under repair.  We also ensure that any spillages are cleaned up promptly and that tripping hazards are dealt with.    

Our workplace is provided with suitable lighting, heating, and ventilation to ensure comfort of users as well as appropriate kitchen, toilet and washing facilities. 


Work equipment- maintenance & testing 

All work equipment supplied by the company is assessed for suitability Certificates of test, calibration and maintenance will be obtained and recorded at the office. Employees are required to report defects to their supervisor or manager, at which point the equipment is repaired or replaced. Equipment is maintained in accordance with manufacturers’ instructions. Staff are instructed in the correct use of power tools, including the correct use of guarding, where applicable.      
Portable electrical equipment including tools and office equipment is subject to a programme of portable appliance testing, as well as the pre-use inspections that all staff are instructed to carry out. 
To comply with the Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations the Directors with the assistance of the Health and Safety Consultant will assess any equipment prior to purchase to ensure its suitability for its intended use

All work on electrical installations are carried out by qualified electricians, who are required to follow standard working practices as defined by IET guidance, Building Regulations, and the Electricity at Work Regulations. It is the company’s policy that live working is prohibited although live testing is permitted with appropriate controls and suitable equipment.
Our own installation will be tested and inspected periodically by a competent electrician and improvements implemented as necessary to ensure its continuing safety. 


Manual handling
Certain aspects of our business involve manual handling where we have not been able to eliminate the manual handling risk we undertake detailed risk assessments and proscribe risk control measures for the protection of our staff, e.g. training, PPE, safe methods of work, trolleys etc. Employees are instructed in the outcome of the assessments and the risk control measures including safe lifting techniques. They are instructed to report to their manager any health concerns that may make manual handling less safe for them. 



  • The Control of Asbestos at Work Regulations places emphasis on the assessment of exposure, exposure prevention, reduction, and control as well as information, training and instruction for staff.

  • It is possible that during our operations asbestos will be encountered. Managers will, however, assess the likelihood of asbestos being found or disturbed prior to work commencing. This will be by liaison with the Client who must provide such information. (Generally, by inspection of the client’s asbestos register or asbestos management survey).

If asbestos is suspected, then further liaison will take place with the Client in order that a safe procedure is adopted and specialist contractors will be appointed if it is to be made safe or removed.

  • Operatives will ensure that no known or suspected asbestos is handled under any circumstances. If any suspected asbestos is found or disturbed. Operatives must notify their Manager and works in the vicinity of such material must stop until the material has been identified.

Construction Design Management

  • All project staff have received information outlining the responsibilities and duties of all parties involved in CDM projects when a project is subject to CDM regulations. 

  • Full information on CDM regulations can be found it the company health and safety manual which is supplied to all staff.

  • Due to the size of the company and the nature of our works it is highly unlikely that we would be appointed as principal contractor on large projects in most cases we would usually be employed as a contractor.


With the following duties:

  • Plan, manage and monitor our own work and ensure our workers are safe.

  • Not to start work until all pre-construction phase information has been gathered by the client.

  • Check the competence of all appointees and workers 

  • Train our own employees 

  • Provide information to our workers 

  • Ensure that adequate welfare facilities have been provided by the principal contractor

In addition, where projects are notifiable under the Regulations, we will also:

  • Check that the client is aware of their duties, check that a principal designer has been appointed and ensure that HSE has been notified before the work starts

  • Co-operate with the principal contractor in planning and managing work, including reasonable directions and site rules 

  • Provide any information needed for the health and safety file 

  • Inform the principal contractor of any problems with the plan 

  • Inform the principal contractor of reportable accidents, diseases and dangerous occurrences.

For projects where we are appointed as principal contractor we will produce a construction phase health and safety plan, following the HSE example in CIS80.


Care of Substances Hazardous to Health

  • COSHH requires employers to assess individual substances used, or produced, at work and to record the assessments. Substances hazardous to health include gases, vapours, liquids and solids or mixtures. For all but the simplest of substances employees receive copies of the assessments and training commensurate with them. Controls must be introduced in order that the exposure to any substance is reduced to the lowest level possible. Any residual exposure may be controlled by personal protective equipment.

  • Any substance in use by the company has an appropriate COSHH assessment held at the office. Only those substances that have current assessments may be used. If it is considered necessary to use a new substance, then Charlie Almond will arrange for the Health and Safety Consultant to assist in an assessment before its use. The Manufacturers Safety Data Sheet will be obtained, and the information used to conduct the assessment.

  • Once all substances have been identified and assessed the information is to be cascaded to operatives via tool box talks prior to the substance being used.

As part of each assessment there will be information on what personal protective equipment (PPE) is deemed necessary to protect operatives during its use, as well as the likely impact on non-employees who may be in the vicinity. 



Covid 19 
The Company recognises the risks associated with coronavirus and will take reasonable steps to ensure that it doesn’t put the health, safety and welfare of its staff, interested parties or customers at an unacceptable risk

  • a risk assessment will be completed to identify the significant risks and the control measures which are to be applied to minimise them to an acceptable level

  • an individual risk assessment will be undertaken where the Company has been notified by an employee that they are clinically extremely vulnerable

  • The Company will monitor and act upon the latest official guidance produced by the government

  • The Company will review and amend the Coronavirus Health & Safety policy as required in line with government guidance .

  • All staff and contractors must follow the control measures detailed in our coronavirus risk assessment and the government’s published guidance on hygiene. Failure to do so will be treated as a disciplinary matter

  • The management team will plan to ensure that health, safety and hygiene standards are maintained at all time  both on the premises & whilst working on client premises 


Other specific hazards 
We have also identified the following areas of risk and have documented separate policies as follows:

  • Alcohol & Drugs

  • Stress

  • Work at height

  • Noise at work

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